Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Day of School

Rosie started school today, again, after starting school yesterday. And this was not an attempt to live in two time zones. It was because we had trouble figuring out if Rosie should go into Year Prep or Year 1.  No one seemed to know if the Australian Year Prep was equivalent to American Kindergarten, and Year 1 equivalent to 1st grade. Add to that the different time of year the school year begins. September in the US and January in Australia.  When we arrived we met with the head of the Junior School at St Peters and we all agreed that under the circumstances - having just had her world turned upside down, and the fact that there was no room in Year 1 - Prep would be best for Rosie. So we scurried about getting her a new maroon wardrobe, man shoes, a maroon umbrella and all the necessary school supplies Prep required.

And then suddenly the big day was upon us! First day of school! In the new country! And to make it more exciting for me, it was Nola's first day of school too! And the icing on the cake, they both had to be at their schools at the same time!

Now, one of the reasons I choose Nola's preschool,  besides the abundance of purple dress up clothes, was that their start time was a half hour after Rosie's. But for the first day of school the start time was changed so my well laid plan was foiled. Fortunately Nola was only to eager to rid herself of her over emotional mother and jump, quite literally, into a purple costume without a backward glance at my sorry soggy self. On to St. Peters! And on, and on, and around this roundabout, and around it again, and onward still. The schools are less than a mile apart but I was hopelessly lost. We finally arrived 30 minutes late, but at least this gave our clothes a chance to dry out. Rosie settled in and I attended a lovely orientation, then tried to find my way back to Nola's preschool. Nola had had a great time! And we were off to get lost again on the way back to Rosie.

After a day in Prep it was decided that Year 1 would actually be a much better place for Rose. Luckily a set of twins from somewhere abroad had just pulled out so there was now a spot for her. We zipped to the uniform shop to purchase more maroon clothes, but now with the addition of some white. Lovely. And so this morning Rosie had her second first day of school. We met her new teacher, who we both loved instantly, and got acquainted with her new class room. If I am now emotionally exhausted Rosie must be comatose. Poor thing. She has been a real trooper through it all though. Fortunately tomorrow is Australia Day, a national holiday celebrating we don’t know exactly what.  But these four unknowing Americans will be heartily celebrating a day of rest. I think we all need it, with the possible exception of Nola. She thinks swimming in the rain is even better than purple dress up clothes. She is going strong!

Our air shipment successfully passed through customs and will be delivered on Friday! Happy Happy Joy Joy! I only wish it was being delivered to our new house instead of the temporary apartment. Yes, we got a house! We move in next Friday! It will be so good to have an address. Now we will be able to get check books, drivers licenses and pick up the car we bought last week but couldn't get registered without either a drivers license or lease.

I am not head over heels in love with the house, but I am in love with having an address and all the perks that go along with it. See above. I am also in love with the location. Walking distance to St. Peters! Take that roundabout!

There are mostly two types of homes here. Queenslanders - picture big verandas, tall ceilings, fans, lattice. Originally constructed in, well, Queensland, for life in a sub-tropical climate. Or there are really cool modern houses. Picture Miami Vice. Having never lived in a really cool modern house, or in Florida, I was hoping we'd settle in one of the new modern ones. If we'd wanted to live a bit further out from the CBD (the Central Business District, Brisbanespeak for downtown) or been willing to stay in temporary housing longer perhaps my dream could have come alive. As it is I am happy to be able to move into a Queenslander next Friday and get the kids settled. Phew!

I am half a world away from my friends and family. I have a new address, a new phone number, a new car and a new bank account.  All I need now is a new name and I think I will have successfully entered the witness protection program.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your day off tomorrow! It's cold here- you're not missing a thing :)
