Friday, January 20, 2012

Settling in

I bought unrefridgerated eggs yesterday. Apparently if you don't shove newly laid eggs in the fridge you can keep them at room temperature for quite a while. I had no idea......but will still probably try to eat all these eggs quickly! I went to a neighborhood organic shop today, or should I say I time traveled to Berkeley, CA circa 1966. I think I might end up really missing the PCC, but I have yet to visit a farmer's market so there is still hope.

Yesterday we tried to find a house to rent. The apartment we are in is actually lovely. Much better than I expected. We have a terrific view of the river and downtown. But I am anxious to nest. Our air shipment arrives next week and there is no place in the apartment for it. Whatever is in the container crossing the Pacific I have already forgotten about and frankly don't think I ever want to see again.

We rented a Toyota Highlander (called a Kluger here) when we arrived. It seemed normal sized in the airport parking lot but driving around Brisbane it has expanded like a sponge animal. Must be from all the rain. I am surprised I have not sideswiped everything in my path. We visited a car dealership yesterday as well. First thing in the morning. We had been up since 4:00 and after playing a long and rousing game of hide and seek in our very small apartment in seemed the thing to do. We didn't actually purchase a car, but it appears it will be easier to do than buying a cell phone. We did that yesterday and let me tell you it was touch and go. We have no credit history in this country, no permanent address, no drivers license.....I'm pretty sure Mike ended up bribing the salesman in order to leave the store with a pre paid calling plan. Here is my new number in case you want to place a really expensive call, +61 448 689 897.

We like this place. The people are nice. I mean Nice. I think the word nice originated here. I sort of accidentally enrolled Nola in two preschools this week. A case of miscommunication and paranoia on my part that she would have no place to go to make new friends. Luckily they are both great. I'd like to report that I based my final choice of school on a rigorous vetting of the teacher and curriculum but really it just came down to the one with more purple dress up clothes. It was still raining buckets yesterday so we bought umbrellas. The humidity is causing Nola's hair to curl like Shirley Temple's. If we trip over another bouganvillia vine filled puddle or hibiscus flower we may break into song. Picture a wet family singing On the Good Ship Lollipop skipping down a sidewalk with price tags still hanging off pink butterfly winged umbrellas. We'll blend right in! It's after 6:00 a.m. and the girls are still asleep and the sun is up, huge and hot! Life is good. Throw a snowball for us! Julie

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